
Carburetor Intake Manifold Gasket Kit for Coleman Trail CT200U Mini Bike

Carburetor Intake Manifold Gasket Kit for Coleman Trail CT200U Mini Bike

Carburetor Intake Manifold Gasket Kit for Coleman Trail CT200U Mini Bike

SKU DP.03718 K1013-IG320-200 Category Tag

Chinese Carburetor Intake Manifold Gasket Kit – Coleman Trail CT200U Mini BikeThis Chinese intake manifold gasket kit . These gaskets are used for the connecting block to engine and connecting block to carburetor on 196cc 6.5hp engines.
Kit description:
Inlet gasket
Carburetor gasket
Connecting block (hard black plastic)
ID: 19.10mm [.752″]
Bolt holes center-to-center: 42.7mm [1.68″]
Compatible with 196cc 4 stroke, GX200 168F Honda clone engines
12254/168F, 16141/168F, 16142/168F

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